The boston terrier pitbull mix represents itself a mixed breed dog, which was got by crossing the Boston Terrier and the Pitbull. It originates from North America because both parent dogs are American ones. It is often called a “gentleman” because of its usual black and white coloring. This hybrid breed has become known in the last ten to twenty years when mixing different breeds of dogs got much more popularity.
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A golden retriever shih zu mix is quite unusual cross breed dog, so people may not run into such a pet too often, but it is a cute pet for having at home. These two kinds of dogs are different in size, appearance and even character, so their mix makes […]
Beagle pregnancy is one of the most significant periods. For normal duration, it is better to restrain staying of the pet along with unhealthy animals, and also not to cure it with toxic substances. Don’t let the bitch contact with other dogs in order to avoid getting infected with dangerous […]
Cocker spaniel teeth problems are very spread concern of owners, as dental health is a significant part of dog’s well-being and this breed is tend to possess this kind of an issue. Some owners get aware of this tendency at the moment of discovering a teeth’s disease. In any way, […]