5 month old huskies can be a source of inexhaustible happiness, but also a source of some worries, because a little puppy is gradually converting to an independent dog from a small curled fluffy ball. And each owner should be aware and well-prepared for possible difficulties to face and for following successful solutions.
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In order to avoid big problems with the pet, the care after yorkshire terrier teeth should be among priorities when it comes to health problems. No matter how big your dog is: ill grinders can be a reason of a serious illness or an infection that torture your friend from […]
4 months old shih tzu is a great friend. These dogs have an amazing ability to understand what their host needs. They do not show aggression even in relation to outsiders, they are attached to their masters for a long time. They should be got used to a certain set […]
German shepherds tongue infections may happen to any dog in any age – from a small puppy to an aged male or female. A pink tongue with some reddish tints is considered to be healthy and normal. The change of a colour of this important mouth organ may indicate that […]