Dachshund cross dalmatian has a balanced character and are not aggressive. Their ingenuity helps to memorize a lot of commands and execute them according to their understanding. This is not a robot dog, which will do everything that you require of it. It will go to the task thoughtfully and find its own solution. These pets do not fit for protection. Congenital friendliness of the pet will not allow him to show aggression towards a stranger.
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Have you ever thought of how american pitbull terrier blue nose looks like? The trick is that pit bull is a term originally used to describe not a breed, but the type of a dog. If you ask numerous people, including owners of such pets, you will surely hear a […]
Beagle pregnancy is one of the most significant periods. For normal duration, it is better to restrain staying of the pet along with unhealthy animals, and also not to cure it with toxic substances. Don’t let the bitch contact with other dogs in order to avoid getting infected with dangerous […]
A 3 weeks old husky is an adorable puppy that will bring joy and excitement into every family or life. It is really hard to find a person who wouldn’t like this dog but not many people know the peculiarities of their behavior and nutrition. You can often hear a […]