At final days dog might reject food, be less active and body temperature will drop down, what is pretty natural and not a reason for worries.
Here is essential tip on pregnancy. We have the prime source for pregnancy. Check it out for yourself! You can gather Dachshund Pregnancy Calculator guide and view the latest How to Care Dachshund Pregnancy in here.
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5 month old huskies can be a source of inexhaustible happiness, but also a source of some worries, because a little puppy is gradually converting to an independent dog from a small curled fluffy ball. And each owner should be aware and well-prepared for possible difficulties to face and for […]
Cocker spaniel teeth problems are very spread concern of owners, as dental health is a significant part of dog’s well-being and this breed is tend to possess this kind of an issue. Some owners get aware of this tendency at the moment of discovering a teeth’s disease. In any way, […]
It should be mentioned that a pug cross shih zu dog is not a breed in a full sense of this word but just a cross breed or mix. These cute small dogs are a mix of a shih zu and a pug, so some people name this cross breed […]