The main in dachshund pregnancy care is nutrition. Normally, pregnancy lasts 63-65 weeks. Some dachshund, who carries a lot of puppies, gives a birth earlier. After 6 weeks a demand of dog’s organism for high protein will increase. An abdomen will grow noticeably. The portion should be 50 percent bigger than before a conceiving. Also, you may feed your dog more frequently. The food should be of good quality. If you add some supplements to the dachshund diet, read description if it does not have warnings for this condition. Take a notice, that even better feeding will be needed after whelping. Because puppies extract a lot of elements together with milk from mother’s organism.
Here is important info on pregnancy. We have the finest resources for pregnancy. Check it out for yourself! You can gather Dachshund Pregnancy Care guide and look the latest How to Care Dachshund Pregnancy in here.
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