?> Strong and Confident 1 Year Old German Shepherd | Dog Breed Information

Interesting About 1 Year Old German Shepherd

1 Year Old German Shepherd Aggressive

1 year old german shepherd is easy to learn and train. It has already a strong constitution and developed musculature. The weight of an adult male should be in the range of 35 to 40 kg, the height is 63 – 65 cm. The female is less in size – from 25 to 32 kg, and at the withers reaches 60 cm. The most common colors are black and pale. If you follow recommendations for a balanced diet, regular walks, timely treatment, the life expectancy of a dog can be increased to 16-17 years. Proper feeding, balanced food is the basis of health, longevity and the maintenance of proper physical form. There are two systems of feeding: traditional, when the owner prepares food for the pet or uses canned food. Each puppy shows its own characteristics and preferences.

At this age, all the main advantages and disadvantages of the dog are already fixed. But the pet has not yet formed, it continues to develop. Some shortcomings may still disappear, especially those that depend on physical training and efforts on the part of the owner.

1 Year Old German Shepherd Chewing

1 year old german shepherd training requires a lot of attention. For each performed action the puppy should be encouraged by some delicious. Without such a bonus at the initial stage of training, the dog will soon lose interest in executing instructions. “Germans” are trained much faster than representatives of other breeds, so they are actively used in the police, the army and to protect property. These dogs perfectly know the limits of the territory, which must be protected.

1 year old german shepherd behavior is characterized by its calm character and a stable temperament. Daily walks should last about 2 hours. For lovers of morning jogs, such a dog will become a good companion. A properly trained dog always behaves properly, depending on the circumstances.

1 Year Old German Shepherd Size

17 Photos of the Interesting About 1 Year Old German Shepherd

1 Year Old White German Shepherd1 Year Old German Shepherd Hip Dysplasia1 Year Old German Shepherd Puppy1 Year Old German Shepherd Training1 Year Old German Shepherd Weight1 Year Old German Shepherd Behavior1 Year Old German Shepherd Diet1 Year Old German Shepherd Pregnant1 Year Old German Shepherd not Eating1 Year Old German Shepherd Chewing1 Year Old German Shepherd Size1 Year Old German Shepherd Dog1 Year Old German Shepherd Biting1 Year Old German Shepherd Female1 Year Old German Shepherd Aggressive1 Year Old German Shepherd Limping

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