?> Siberian Husky Newfoundland Mix Interesting Facts to Know | Dog Breed Information

Siberian Husky Newfoundland Mix Common Information

Newfoundland Cross Husky

Siberian husky newfoundland mix is a mixed breed which was got as a result of crossing a purebred Siberian husky with a purebred Newfoundland. The puppies can inherit any qualities of their parents and it is impossible to guess the appearance or character of the metis in advance.

As a result of crossing a giant-sized Newfoundland with a medium-sized Husky, you will get a large husky newfoundland mix, but in all likelihood it will not reach the record size. Both parental breeds have double layered and thick coat, so their offspring will have the same coat too for sure. Thanks to this coat the dog can endure cold winter and live outside, but hot weather is much worse for it. Talking about the color, it is really a lottery. There may be brown, black, gray color with or without spots of any of the abovementioned colors. Puppies’ dropped fluffy ears often descend from Newfoundland, and light blue eyes – from the second parent.

Newfoundland Cross Husky Puppy

As for the temperament of the newfoundland cross husky puppy, it is even more difficult to guess it, than the appearance. But anyway there is one thing you may be sure about – the metis will be surely smart, because both its parents are very clever. But there is also much difference in their temperaments. Newfs are eager to please. They adore training and take it as a game, so you will not have many problems with their training. They do well with children. Huskies are usually described as very independent dogs. They want to be leaders and it is not easy to train them. They can be even aggressive towards people and children if not being properly socialized in puppyhood. Surely, these general characteristics are important to know, but no one may know whose genes will predominate. All you can do is to train your pet in a proper way and make it the part of your family and it will repay you with its great love and loyalty.

4 Photos of the Siberian Husky Newfoundland Mix Common Information

Newfoundland Husky Mix PuppiesHusky Newfoundland MixNewfoundland Cross Husky PuppyNewfoundland Cross Husky

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