Average weight of 3 week old german shepherd can be 5-7 kg. In this case, from a small plump pet in a few months can grow a large dog, which can already be confused with an adult dog. Bur the stomach is still small, the metabolism is fast. Therefore, the pets need a small portion of food every 3 hours. Throughout life, the assortment changes, in obedience to the needs of the pet.
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Beagle eye problems should be treated immediately after their detection. The most common diseases of these dogs are conjunctivitis, keratitis, cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment, etc. Pathology, in which the third eyelid slips out of its place is called – beagle cherry eye. Its name is due to a specific kind […]
5 month old huskies can be a source of inexhaustible happiness, but also a source of some worries, because a little puppy is gradually converting to an independent dog from a small curled fluffy ball. And each owner should be aware and well-prepared for possible difficulties to face and for […]
As usual, a 5 month old German shepherd is already starting to eat some dry food and also some live food despite the wet products and mother’s milk from its birth. But it must be done step by step, not abruptly as you can do harm to the puppy’s digestive […]