At this age, puppies can become susceptible to infections, but you can vaccinate only an absolutely healthy pet. The pup should be free from fleas, lice, mites and helminths. The next vaccination can be carried out not earlier than 3 weeks after the previous one. Before vaccination, within 2-3 days, you should measure a dog’s temperature. You can vaccinate only if all three days the temperature was normal. It is advisable to do the first inoculation at home. The vaccinated puppy can not be washed, overcooled, overheated, overloaded physically and psychologically, as well as avoid contact with others.
Here is main instruction on puppies. We have the finest resources for puppies. Check it out for yourself! You can acquire What Should I Feed My 6 Week Old Shih Tzu guide and look the latest All Facts About 6 Weeks Old Shih Tzu in here.
A lot of owners are concerned how to detect cocker spaniel pregnancy, because at early stages may be really difficult to define. But if you already think that your dog expects puppies, you can be more attentive and try to look for next symptoms. Abrupt decreasing in activity. It is […]
Сocker spaniel cross Labrador is a unique dog, this is not a breed, but not a mongrel. These dogs will quickly and easily learn all your commands. They have high immunity to various diseases. It does not mean that the dog will never be sick. It is necessary to look […]
3 week old german shepherd grows very quickly. During the first 10 days of their lives, puppies double their weight, and triple by three weeks. For the first month, the pets grow 4-5 times in size. Puppies of large dogs grow faster than small ones. Feeding 3 week old german […]