One of the most labrador retriever common skin problems that takes over 10% of all pitfalls is food allergies. While most of them are easily cured with antibiotics, you have to eliminate the source, meaning that you have to put your labrador on a diet leaving only usefull food. The products that can cause harm are: beaf, wheat, corn, chicken meat and eggs. But, how you would know what exactly causes the disease? The best remedy in this case is to take your dog to a vet to run tests and find out what food affects its life.
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Husky wolf mix is not for newcomeres, you should learn their peculiarities very well, have a lot of practice in breeding dogs and be aware of the wolf manners. Even a training costume does not rescue from their catch. These dogs inherited an extraordinary flair, which is 5-6 times higher […]
As you may guess, german shepherd mastiff mix is a mixed breed, which appeared as a result of crossing the German shepherd and the Mastiff. It is known to be a perfect example of a successfully bred hybrid dog. Since both parent-animals are huge ones, it is expected that their […]
1 year old german shepherd is easy to learn and train. It has already a strong constitution and developed musculature. The weight of an adult male should be in the range of 35 to 40 kg, the height is 63 – 65 cm. The female is less in size – […]