Some tips you should know: you can not allow pets to jump, play with others or to swim. Because of the owners’ lack of responsibility, dogs can suffer from high temperature, refuse from food. Also, it is not recommended to wash the pet after week 4. If still there is a necessary, you should carefully dry it, do not allow to sit in a draft or lie on a cold floor. It is best to wash it in the evening, keep it in a warm place. Particular attention should be given to the condition of the teeth, if necessary, clean them from plaque.
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A 7 weeks old German shepherd is a cute puppy which is starting to separate from its mother and eat the other food except for mother’s milk. So, the owner should be ready to provide a small dog with the proper food that will allow it grow fast, healthily and […]
Beagle and dachshund mix is a bright example of a true courageous hunter despite its small form and bizarre shapes. Their courage allows them to rush into fight with the enemy, which is bigger then their size. Beagle dachshund mix temperament an unusually intelligent dog, with an easygoing and calm […]
Cocker spaniel tail problems are surprisingly very often to occur. There are few common issues with it – sprain, break, dislocation of a joint, injure provoked by accidental damage (by slamming door or footing, etc.). To detect some problems related to this part of dog’s body is easy as your […]