?> Boxer Husky Mix Info | Dog Breed Information

Boxer Husky Mix Info image and description

The wonderful digital imagery below, is section of Boxer and Husky Mix Defender and Babysitter write-up which is grouped within Husky, awesome, and published at July 21st, 2018 12:07:16 PM by .
Boxer Husky Mix Info
Boxer and Husky Mix Defender and Babysitter: Boxer Husky Mix Info

As a rule, boxer and siberian husky mix is an animal of a big size. Its height ranges from 50 to 90 cm and the weight is 15-32 kg. These parameters depend on the environment where the dog lives, and care you give to the pet. The general appearance of the Boxsky may vary – it may look more like a Boxer or like a Husky. Depending on the predominant genes, the ears can either be sloppy or erect. As for the coat, the metis usually inherits Boxer’s looks and coat type (brown color), but its coat may be more thick or longer as Hasky has. If the puppy is lucky it has a chance to have those nice icy blue eyes everybody adores. A black mask, sometimes with a white stripe, or blaze, running up the muzzle between the eyes is a distinctive feature of the Boxsky.Their life expectancy is about 9-13 years.

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