Beagle cocker spaniel mix traits are the combination of the characteristics of an excellent hunting dog and a pet. They need constant walks and physical exertion. Also, they are very fond of swimming, they like to play with other dogs. It is necessary to regularly inspect the dog and visit a veterinarian. Spaniels should eat right as they tend to overeat, so you need to monitor this. It is necessary to give vitamins. You can feed dry or natural food. The puppies should be fed in the same way as fed by their breeder. Over time, you can create your diet. For adult dogs, it is enough to feed twice a day, small puppies – 5-6 times a day, then reduce the number of meals. Among disadvantages are excessive activity, they require frequent and long walks.
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Dachshund leg problems are very common. This breed is susceptible to it due to their complexion: long body and short legs. Last have to bear, maintain considerable weight and sometimes bones and muscles fail to perform this function. Owners should monitor paws of their pets carefully to assure their good […]
As you may guess, german shepherd mastiff mix is a mixed breed, which appeared as a result of crossing the German shepherd and the Mastiff. It is known to be a perfect example of a successfully bred hybrid dog. Since both parent-animals are huge ones, it is expected that their […]
9 week old german shepherd is very temperamental. At this early age, it is essential to do the first inoculations and to take the babies from their mothers. The weight ranges from 6-9 kg, and the height is about 33-37 cm. Intensive growth begins during this period: the paws become […]