In general, if you treat the dog well, it will become your best companion and good loyal friend.
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Two months old shih tzu already сonnects well with people, and also it must be vaccinated. The nature of these dogs is characterized by independence and freedom-loving. They easily go to contact with family members, even with strangers. These puppies usually show an easy-going and cheerful nature. It is necessary […]
Chihuahua german shepherd mix is a hybrid dog breed, which was got as a result of a male Chihuahua crossing with a female German Shepherd. The result of crossing these two, as it may seem quite different dogs (both in temperament and appearance) is really unusual, but at the same […]
German shepherds tongue infections may happen to any dog in any age – from a small puppy to an aged male or female. A pink tongue with some reddish tints is considered to be healthy and normal. The change of a colour of this important mouth organ may indicate that […]