Having this dog you should be ready for its shedding. So, it needs regular brushing at least several times a week. Monthly bathing is also necessary. Don’t forget to trim their nails every month. Checking and cleaning the ears to prevent infection is of great importance. Brushing teeth on a regular basis to avoid dental problems is also needed.
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Among all four-legged loved ones, labrador retriever swimming ability is something able to impress everyone. Their naturally designed bodies allow them to feel like a fish in a water surpassing all human divers and even such animals as ducks. Just imagine that they can cross 5 kilometers in one hour! […]
3 month German shepherds are quite active puppies that are becoming almost separated from their mother and they stay active most of the day, so an owner needs to pay special attention to the dog’s food, so it could get the best nutrition for growth and health. Both female and […]
Labrador retriever pregnancy is a happy sweet period, which an owner should identify than earlier than better to provide an appropriate care. Every female labrador has a fertility cycle during a year. The cycle is divided in four stages. Just during two stages, which lasts 20 days, exists probability for […]