When speaking about this age dog’s training, it is of great importance to teach your pup proper potty training. You should start doing it as soon as you can as the smaller your puppy is, the easier it will be to teach it poop and pee in the right time and area.
Here is needful notification on puppies. We have the greatest assets for puppies. Check it out for yourself! You can find 3 Month German Shepherd Puppy Biting guide and look the latest Important About 3 Month German Shepherds in here.
Dachshund dalmatian mix is a hunter who has a friendly temper. The pluses are: affectionate, easy to care for the hair coat, likes to play, cheerful, very intelligent, devoted, smart, clever and beautiful dog, good hunter, good guard, friend and companion. Dogs of mixed breeds usually have excellent health, as […]
The owners should know about possible cocker spaniel skin problems from which may suffer their lovely pet. This awareness will contribute to regular monitoring, check-ups and in-time treating. The major cause of skin problems is an allergy. Usually, this diagnosis is very difficult to confirm, but there is a suspicion, […]
A 7 weeks old German shepherd is a cute puppy which is starting to separate from its mother and eat the other food except for mother’s milk. So, the owner should be ready to provide a small dog with the proper food that will allow it grow fast, healthily and […]