When speaking about this age dog’s training, it is of great importance to teach your pup proper potty training. You should start doing it as soon as you can as the smaller your puppy is, the easier it will be to teach it poop and pee in the right time and area.
Here is foremost notification on puppies. We have the excellent assets for puppies. Check it out for yourself! You can acquire 3 Month Old German Shepherds guide and read the latest Important About 3 Month German Shepherds in here.
A happy dog is a healthy dog. The biggest care is needed when your pet is still growing like 9 week beagle. Its young body forms bones and habits that will follow your friend when he will completely grow up. That is why it is very inportant to provide a […]
Dachshund leg problems are very common. This breed is susceptible to it due to their complexion: long body and short legs. Last have to bear, maintain considerable weight and sometimes bones and muscles fail to perform this function. Owners should monitor paws of their pets carefully to assure their good […]
Dachshund cross pug is a playful pet with a unique appearance that will change your life for the better. It is not large dog, but thickset and beefy. Practically, major parts of the breed’s members are enough spirited, notably at a small age, up to 2-3 years. Hereafter they get […]