1 year old german shepherd is easy to learn and train. It has already a strong constitution and developed musculature. The weight of an adult male should be in the range of 35 to 40 kg, the height is 63 – 65 cm. The female is less in size – from 25 to 32 kg, and at the withers reaches 60 cm. The most common colors are black and pale. If you follow recommendations for a balanced diet, regular walks, timely treatment, the life expectancy of a dog can be increased to 16-17 years. Proper feeding, balanced food is the basis of health, longevity and the maintenance of proper physical form. There are two systems of feeding: traditional, when the owner prepares food for the pet or uses canned food. Each puppy shows its own characteristics and preferences.
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1 year old german shepherd is easy to learn and train. It has already a strong constitution and developed musculature. The weight of an adult male should be in the range of 35 to 40 kg, the height is 63 – 65 cm. The female is less in size – […]
Cocker spaniel tail problems are surprisingly very often to occur. There are few common issues with it – sprain, break, dislocation of a joint, injure provoked by accidental damage (by slamming door or footing, etc.). To detect some problems related to this part of dog’s body is easy as your […]
The boston terrier pitbull mix represents itself a mixed breed dog, which was got by crossing the Boston Terrier and the Pitbull. It originates from North America because both parent dogs are American ones. It is often called a “gentleman” because of its usual black and white coloring. This hybrid […]