Some tips you should know: you can not allow pets to jump, play with others or to swim. Because of the owners’ lack of responsibility, dogs can suffer from high temperature, refuse from food. Also, it is not recommended to wash the pet after week 4. If still there is a necessary, you should carefully dry it, do not allow to sit in a draft or lie on a cold floor. It is best to wash it in the evening, keep it in a warm place. Particular attention should be given to the condition of the teeth, if necessary, clean them from plaque.
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Dachshund and poodle mix is incredibly impulsive, but nevertheless obedient. This kind of breed refers to restless bells that in the absence of the owner will conscientiously guard the dwelling and drive out intruders loud barking. They need just one long daily walk to maintain a good physical shape. As […]
Boxer and husky mix is a hybrid dog, which attracts people not only with its appearance, but also with its character. This breed is also called Boxsky. Running ahead of the story, it is necessary to mention that this dog took the best traits from its parents. As a rule, […]
9 week old german shepherd is very temperamental. At this early age, it is essential to do the first inoculations and to take the babies from their mothers. The weight ranges from 6-9 kg, and the height is about 33-37 cm. Intensive growth begins during this period: the paws become […]