What should i feed my 6 week old shih tzu is one of the important question in daily care. The number of feedings per day depends on the physical condition and development of the pets. Properly organized feeding is important for its normal growth and weight around 5 – 6 times a day. The food should be balanced and rich in protein and vitamins. It is desirable to feed at the same time and in one place. Food should always be fresh and benign, not to cause stomach upset or poisoning.
Here is main recommendation on puppies. We have the finest assets for puppies. Check it out for yourself! You can discover Maltese Cross Shih Tzu 6 Weeks Old guide and see the latest All Facts About 6 Weeks Old Shih Tzu in here.
As you may guess, german shepherd mastiff mix is a mixed breed, which appeared as a result of crossing the German shepherd and the Mastiff. It is known to be a perfect example of a successfully bred hybrid dog. Since both parent-animals are huge ones, it is expected that their […]
A doberman husky mix is a lovely cross breed which combines good traits of both sides. A Siberian is a famous sled dog which has been used in Siberia for a long time for transferring people in the snow. It is usually very friendly and it often has blue eyes, […]
Shih tzu eye problems may be caused by trauma or inflammation of the eyeball, in some cases, it may even lead to its loss. In this situation, you should urgently run to a veterinarian. Daily inspection and proper care will help to avoid such problems in your pet. Experienced breeders […]