Care for these dogs is simple enough. Several times a week the pet needs to be combed with a soft brush. They practically do not smell. Every couple of weeks you need to clean the dog’s ears and check its teeth. In severe frost, do not leave the pet for long on the street – during long walks, there is a danger of frostbitten tender ears. Depending on the age of the dog, its constitution and appetite, the amount of food should be different. Some owners trust only the factory feed, considering it more convenient and balanced. Others use only natural food, making their own menu.
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Dachshund cross pug is a playful pet with a unique appearance that will change your life for the better. It is not large dog, but thickset and beefy. Practically, major parts of the breed’s members are enough spirited, notably at a small age, up to 2-3 years. Hereafter they get […]
Husky wolf mix is not for newcomeres, you should learn their peculiarities very well, have a lot of practice in breeding dogs and be aware of the wolf manners. Even a training costume does not rescue from their catch. These dogs inherited an extraordinary flair, which is 5-6 times higher […]
A 7 weeks old German shepherd is a cute puppy which is starting to separate from its mother and eat the other food except for mother’s milk. So, the owner should be ready to provide a small dog with the proper food that will allow it grow fast, healthily and […]