?> 10 Month Old German Shepherd – Behavior, Food and Training | Dog Breed Information

What to Consider 10 Month Old German Shepherd

10 Month Old German Shepherd not Eating

A 10 month old German shepherd is an extremely energetic, curious and even sometimes aggressive puppy which likes to investigate the world around it and does a lot of biting, messing up things, teething, mouthing, sometimes limping etc. If an owner notices that the small shepherd not eating, it may be a signal that something is wrong and the pup is ill. So, the owner should refer to the vet in this case.

Speaking about a 10 month old German shepherd weight and feeding it must be noted that in this age a puppy should start eating the food for the grown up dogs but it must not be done very fast. The puppies’ ration should be changed very slowly. First, the food should contain about 90 per cent of the puppy diet and only about 10 per cent of the adult dog food and every week the amount of the adult food should be increased by the owner.

10 Month Old German Shepherd Pregnant

But still the owner should be very careful with the feeding for a 10 month old German shepherd as every dog has its own needs, size and weight and it is better to consult a professional about the proper diet for your own dog.

As to the training of the dogs of this age , it should already start learning the basic commands like sit, recall, stay, leave etc. A 10 month old German shepherd also should know the boundaries and not cross the street where the cars can be dangerous, for example. And, of course, it should know the potty timings very well. Also, the owner should watch a dog’s weight, size and 10 month old German shepherd behavior to be sure that the puppy’s development is going properly and everything is okay with its health. If something goes wrong, the vet should be visited to have the suitable treatment and preventing the serious problems.

10 Month Old German Shepherd Weight

21 Photos of the What to Consider 10 Month Old German Shepherd

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