Cataract is a disease that can occur in animals older than 8 years. As a rule, the appearance of this disease is inherited genetically. The first signs of cataract can be cloudy of the lens of the eye. As a rule, the methods of treatment of this disease are surgical. The earlier the disease was fixed, the more chances for successful treatment of your pet.
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Beagle dog skin problems can be caused by various diseases. When your dog got such problems, you start to look for advice on the Internet and forums, it is better not to start self-medicating and experiments on your pet. The fact is there are many causes of skin problems, and […]
Dachshund and poodle mix is incredibly impulsive, but nevertheless obedient. This kind of breed refers to restless bells that in the absence of the owner will conscientiously guard the dwelling and drive out intruders loud barking. They need just one long daily walk to maintain a good physical shape. As […]
4 months old shih tzu is a great friend. These dogs have an amazing ability to understand what their host needs. They do not show aggression even in relation to outsiders, they are attached to their masters for a long time. They should be got used to a certain set […]