1 year old german shepherd is easy to learn and train. It has already a strong constitution and developed musculature. The weight of an adult male should be in the range of 35 to 40 kg, the height is 63 – 65 cm. The female is less in size – from 25 to 32 kg, and at the withers reaches 60 cm. The most common colors are black and pale. If you follow recommendations for a balanced diet, regular walks, timely treatment, the life expectancy of a dog can be increased to 16-17 years. Proper feeding, balanced food is the basis of health, longevity and the maintenance of proper physical form. There are two systems of feeding: traditional, when the owner prepares food for the pet or uses canned food. Each puppy shows its own characteristics and preferences.
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Chihuahua and husky mix is a result of crossing a Chihuahua with a Husky. Though it sounds strange, it is possible. Of course, it doesn’t happen naturally, but due to the in-vitro fertilization. The character and temperament of the mixed breed dog is hard to predict. Since both parental dogs […]
4 months old shih tzu is a great friend. These dogs have an amazing ability to understand what their host needs. They do not show aggression even in relation to outsiders, they are attached to their masters for a long time. They should be got used to a certain set […]
Cocker spaniel tail problems are surprisingly very often to occur. There are few common issues with it – sprain, break, dislocation of a joint, injure provoked by accidental damage (by slamming door or footing, etc.). To detect some problems related to this part of dog’s body is easy as your […]