Сocker spaniel cross Labrador is a unique dog, this is not a breed, but not a mongrel. These dogs will quickly and easily learn all your commands. They have high immunity to various diseases. It does not mean that the dog will never be sick. It is necessary to look after, properly feed and not forget about disease prevention.
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1 year old german shepherd is easy to learn and train. It has already a strong constitution and developed musculature. The weight of an adult male should be in the range of 35 to 40 kg, the height is 63 – 65 cm. The female is less in size – […]
6 month old German shepherd usually is a very cute and extremely active puppy that studies the environment around it and, of course such a small energetic creature needs a lot of vitamins, minerals and the other necessary nutrients to grow big and healthy. Their food may start to include […]
9 week old german shepherd is very temperamental. At this early age, it is essential to do the first inoculations and to take the babies from their mothers. The weight ranges from 6-9 kg, and the height is about 33-37 cm. Intensive growth begins during this period: the paws become […]