The general principles of care for mixed breeds are regular hygiene procedures and periodic inspections. Ears, eyes and teeth should be cleaned, claws should be shortened, and wool should be combed with a brush.
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In order to avoid big problems with the pet, the care after yorkshire terrier teeth should be among priorities when it comes to health problems. No matter how big your dog is: ill grinders can be a reason of a serious illness or an infection that torture your friend from […]
Chihuahua cross yorkshire terrier is a small designer dog, which is adored by all dog-fanciers around the world. The “breed” of such hybrid dog is called Chorkie. The parent dogs, a Yorkshire Terrier (originates from England) and a Chihuhua (originates from America) are considered to be the smallest ones in […]
German shepherds tongue infections may happen to any dog in any age – from a small puppy to an aged male or female. A pink tongue with some reddish tints is considered to be healthy and normal. The change of a colour of this important mouth organ may indicate that […]