Beagle dachshund mix temperament an unusually intelligent dog, with an easygoing and calm character. Despite their small weight, they are very mobile and energetic. Movement for them is the meaning of life.
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A golden retriever shih zu mix is quite unusual cross breed dog, so people may not run into such a pet too often, but it is a cute pet for having at home. These two kinds of dogs are different in size, appearance and even character, so their mix makes […]
Dachshund cross pug is a playful pet with a unique appearance that will change your life for the better. It is not large dog, but thickset and beefy. Practically, major parts of the breed’s members are enough spirited, notably at a small age, up to 2-3 years. Hereafter they get […]
A 3 weeks old husky is an adorable puppy that will bring joy and excitement into every family or life. It is really hard to find a person who wouldn’t like this dog but not many people know the peculiarities of their behavior and nutrition. You can often hear a […]