The general principles of care for mixed breeds are regular hygiene procedures and periodic inspections. Ears, eyes and teeth should be cleaned, claws should be shortened, and wool should be combed with a brush.
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This curious and untiring dog is able to excite anyone. It’s sad face and big ears are charming, but all the course of life of your dog especially when it is 4 months old beagle needs a great attention from its owner. Many questions arise when it comes to the […]
Beagle and german shepherd mix is a hybrid designer dog, which was got as a result of mixing a purebred Beagle and a purebred German Sherped. This “breed” can be met not so often and there is not much information about its history. The person who is going to adopt […]
Dachshund and poodle mix is incredibly impulsive, but nevertheless obedient. This kind of breed refers to restless bells that in the absence of the owner will conscientiously guard the dwelling and drive out intruders loud barking. They need just one long daily walk to maintain a good physical shape. As […]