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Shih Tzu Pregnancy Tips

Shih Tzu Pregnancy Calendar Symptoms Care

Shih tzu pregnancy is a very important moment in the life of their owners. Our pets need much more attention than usual. Some people think that the pregnancy of animals does not require any special care on their part. Many owners consider this special period is an absolutely natural process. It seems the dog could cope with everything on its own, as the whole process is created by nature itself, and we should not intervene in this, but it’s not entirely true. We forget that domestic dogs already are far away from nature; only the strongest animals survive in natural conditions with the strongest immunity.

How long is a shih tzu pregnant – just two months. The normal length of the pregnancy is 63 days So, you can calculate the probable date of the birth according to the calendar. Let’s provide the dog with the best conditions for the process to pass as calmly and with the least harm to the dog’s health. No matter how many puppies will be born, they all will need your attention as the bitch itself.

Shih Tzu Pregnancy Signs Symptoms

Shih tzu pregnancy week by week leads to changes in the appearance of your pet. Yes, sometimes animals suffer from toxicosis, but after a couple of days everything comes back to normal, and the pet does not show any symptoms of its serious position. Pregnancy becomes noticeable only at 3 weeks, and even then – not always. It happens that the dog has only one or two puppies.

Some tips you should know: you can not allow pets to jump, play with others or to swim. Because of the owners’ lack of responsibility, dogs can suffer from high temperature, refuse from food. Also, it is not recommended to wash the pet after week 4. If still there is a necessary, you should carefully dry it, do not allow to sit in a draft or lie on a cold floor. It is best to wash it in the evening, keep it in a warm place. Particular attention should be given to the condition of the teeth, if necessary, clean them from plaque.

Shih Tzu Pregnancy at 3 Weeks

23 Photos of the Shih Tzu Pregnancy Tips

Shih Tzu Pregnancy CareShih Tzu Pregnancy CalculatorShih Tzu Pregnancy Due DateShih Tzu Pregnancy Signs SymptomsShih Tzu Pregnancy How Many PuppiesShih Tzu Pregnancy and BirthShih Tzu Pregnancy Week by WeekShih Tzu Pregnancy TestShih Tzu Pregnancy Calendar Symptoms CareHow Long is a Shih Tzu Pregnant forShih Tzu Pregnancy TipsPregnant Shih TzuShih Tzu Pregnancy at 3 WeeksShih Tzu Pregnancy LengthHow Long is a Shih Tzu PregnantShih Tzu Pregnancy Calendar

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