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6 Month Old German Shepherd Facts to Note

6 Month Old German Shepherd Weight

6 month old German shepherd usually is a very cute and extremely active puppy that studies the environment around it and, of course such a small energetic creature needs a lot of vitamins, minerals and the other necessary nutrients to grow big and healthy. Their food may start to include small pieces of bones, cut animal liver or raw eggs, as from these types of food the pup will receive the vitamins which can not be obtained from the dry supermarket food. It is quite essential for proper weight and development of a pup of this age stage. If a puppy is not eating, this may mean there are some troubles or the ration is wrong.

A female and a male of this age behavior is basically the same, but male pups may be more aggressive as they originally are carnivores and that is why their good training in the future is rather important.  It must be noted that this age’s female weight usually is less than that of the male puppy and it is quite normal. All 6 month old German shepherd puppies are very energetic and they like to do biting, play, get to know new places and things, so you should be careful with the home things as they can be easily damaged, especially when puppy’s teeth start to grow.

6 Month Old German Shepherd Lab Mix

The puppy’s aggressive behavior may happen but if it does not happen too often, it is okay. Still the training of a small dog should be started as early as possible to prevent  future problems with obeying and provide the puppy’s safety. 6 month old German shepherd also should be taught or already should be able to poop outside the house (it is an important training) or flat as later it will be much harder to teach it the potty schedule.

If your puppy has got some problems or abnormal behavior like limping or not eating food and maybe having diarrhea, don’t wait and consult your vet about it.

6 Month Old German Shepherd Weight

16 Photos of the 6 Month Old German Shepherd Facts to Note

6 Month Old German Shepherd Food6 Month Old German Shepherd not Eating6 Month Old German Shepherd Biting6 Month Old German Shepherd Height6 Month Old German Shepherd Weight6 Month Old German Shepherd Puppy6 Month Old German Shepherd Training6 Month Old German Shepherd Diarrhea6 Month Old German Shepherd Male6 Month Old German Shepherd Ears Not Up6 Month Old German Shepherd Limping6 Month Old German Shepherd Husky Mix6 Month Old German Shepherd Behavior6 Month Old German Shepherd Lab Mix6 Month Old German Shepherd Aggressive6 Month Old German Shepherd Female

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