3 month German shepherds are quite active puppies that are becoming almost separated from their mother and they stay active most of the day, so an owner needs to pay special attention to the dog’s food, so it could get the best nutrition for growth and health.
Both female and male puppies need to be fed properly from four to two times a day. If it is not possible to feed your small pet four times, you may arrange its feeding twice a day with bigger portions. All this puppy-biting, getting to know new things and environment with floppy ears takes a lot of energy, so a lot of proteins and a big amount of fat should be present in your puppy’s ration. 3 month German shepherds are often suggested to keep to natural diet and even raw diet when it may eat different types of fish, meat and some vegetables to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a fast growing.
When you consult your vet, you may be told to get a special diet for your puppy as meals for 3 month German shepherds and for grown up dogs differ quite a lot.If you look at puppy-pictures and the pictures of the grown ones, you may see how fast they grow and how big they get. Of course, their diets and the need for food will change with the age. Many owners like to buy dry food at the supermarkets for their pets, but you should be careful with that as it does not contain much water and this may do harm to your pet’s health, especially when it is a puppy.
When speaking about this age dog’s training, it is of great importance to teach your pup proper potty training. You should start doing it as soon as you can as the smaller your puppy is, the easier it will be to teach it poop and pee in the right time and area.