?> 7 Weeks Old German Shepherd – Feeding and Training | Dog Breed Information

7 Weeks Old German Shepherd Facts to Note

7 Week Old German Shepherd Diet

A  7 weeks old German shepherd is a cute puppy which is starting to separate from its mother and eat the other food except for mother’s milk. So, the owner should be ready to provide a small dog with the proper food that will allow it grow fast, healthily and actively and do a lot of biting. Puppies are creatures that always want to find out about new things and they behave actively most of the time.

This pup’s 7 week old German shepherd  weight will be ideal if it is still fed by its mother but eventually the new food is introduced to it. As a rule, feeding such a pup should include mostly moisturized or wet food as too much of dry food can cause problems to a small dog’s digestive system. That is why, the owner should take care about it to keep the puppy’s immune system in the best condition now and for the future.

7 Week Old Long Haired German Shepherd

A 7 weeks old German shepherd’sbehavior of males and females does not differ too much but females are usually less active and less aggressive than the male puppies. That is why, it is desirable to do training and them and teach them to keep to discipline in the earliest age. The puppy’s  training should start from the potty training first. It will be not that easy to teach it to poop and pee outside if the training starts quite late. That is why, a 7 weeks old German shepherd must already start to be trained to poop in the proper place and time. To do it in the best way an owner should take it outside before the night sleep, in the morning and 20 minutes after it has eaten as it is most likely to want to defecate at this time.

17 Photos of the 7 Weeks Old German Shepherd Facts to Note

7 Week Old German Shepherd DietHow Big is a 7 Week Old German Shepherd PuppyFeed 7 Week Old German Shepherd Puppy7 Week Old German Shepherd Ears7 Week Old Sable German Shepherd7 Week Old German Shepherd Puppy Biting7 Week Old Long Haired German ShepherdFeeding 7 Week Old German Shepherd7 Week Old German Shepherd Food7 Week Old German Shepherd Puppy Weight7 Week Old German Shepherd Weight7 Week Old Black German Shepherd PuppyAverage Weight 7 Week Old German ShepherdWhat Does a 7 Week Old German Shepherd Look Like7 Week Old German Shepherd Training7 Week Old Black German Shepherd

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