?> Beagle | Dog Breed Information

9 Week Beagle Taking Care

How Big are Beagles at 9 Weeks
How Big are Beagles at 9 Weeks9 Week Old Beagle Weight9 Week Old Beagle PupHow Much to Feed 9 Week Old Beagle Puppy

A happy dog is a healthy dog. The biggest care is needed when your pet is still growing like 9 week beagle. Its young body forms bones and habits that will follow your friend […]

3 Months Beagle Top Facts

3 Month Old Beagle Weight
Feeding a 3 Month Old BeagleHow Much Does a Beagle Weight at 3 Months3 Month Beagle Size3 Month Beagle Puppies

Energetic dogs like a 3 months beagle need a lot of care. Specific attention should be paid to their size: height and weight. When your puppy is developing as needed, you see a smile […]

Advices about 4 Months Old Beagle

Average Beagle Weight 4 Months
Beagle at 4 Months4 Month Old Beagle Size4 Month Old Beagle PuppyAverage Beagle Weight 4 Months

This curious and untiring dog is able to excite anyone. It’s sad face and big ears are charming, but all the course of life of your dog especially when it is 4 months old […]

Fantastic 6 Month Beagle Puppy

6 Month Beagle Weight
6 Month Old Beagle6 Month Beagle Weight6 Month Old Beagle Puppy6 Month Old Beagle Biting

In the childhood, beagles are subjected to dangers of the outer world and proper care becomes a very big deal. 6 month beagle puppy needs very big attention in order to grow a big, […]

Extraordinary Beagle and Dachshund Mix

About Dachshund Beagle Mix
Beagle Basset Dachshund MixBeagle Chihuahua Dachshund MixBeagle Dachshund Mix RescueAbout Dachshund Beagle Mix

Beagle and dachshund mix is a bright example of a true courageous hunter despite its small form and bizarre shapes. Their courage allows them to rush into fight with the enemy, which is bigger […]

Facts About Beagle and German Shepherd Mix

German Shepherd and Beagle
Rottweiler Beagle German Shepherd MixBeagle German Shepherd Mix SheddingBeagle German Shepherd Mix InformationBeagle German Shepherd Mix Temperament

Beagle and german shepherd mix is a hybrid designer dog, which was got as a result of mixing a purebred Beagle and a purebred German Sherped. This “breed” can be met not so often […]

Beagle Cocker Spaniel Mix Variety

Beagle Cocker Spaniel Mix Dog
Beagle and Brittany Spaniel MixBeagle Cocker Spaniel Mix for AdoptionBeagle Cocker Spaniel Mix WelpenBeagle Cocker Spaniel Mix Breeders

Beagle cocker spaniel mix is a perfect hunter due to its stamina, excellent scent, perseverance, energy and hunting instinct. These dogs do not need to be taught for a long time, they are able […]

Common Beagle Eye Problems Information

Common Beagle Eye Problems
Beagle Eyes RedBeagle Eye CareBeagle Health Problems EyesCommon Beagle Eye Problems

Beagle eye problems should be treated immediately after their detection. The most common diseases of these dogs are conjunctivitis, keratitis, cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment, etc. Pathology, in which the third eyelid slips out of […]

All Facts About Beagle Pregnancy

Beagle Pregnancy Period
Caring for a Pregnant BeagleBeagle Pregnancy SymptomsBeagles and Human PregnancyBeagle Determines Pregnancy with Poo

Beagle pregnancy is one of the most significant periods. For normal duration, it is better to restrain staying of the pet along with unhealthy animals, and also not to cure it with toxic substances. […]

What to Expect from Beagle and Husky Mix

Beagle Husky Mix Temperament
Beagle and Siberian Husky MixBeagle Husky Mix CharacteristicsBeagle Lab Husky MixBeagle Husky Mix Puppies

Beagle and husky crossing presents a new breed to the world – beagle and husky mix. Sometimes such dogs are called Beaski. This hybrid breed appeared in the 1990’s for the purpose of hunting […]

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